Marijuana detox is paramount to a successful recovery. If residue from marijuana continues to exist in the addicts body cravings for marijuana will arise and withdrawal symptoms persist. The goal of marijuana detox is to ultimately eliminate the drug, and all its metabolites from the body to increase the chance of a successful recovery. The human body will eventually expel the remaining marijuana residue through urination and sweating. Some detox facilities have the ability to expedite the marijuana detox process, which in turn, makes for a faster and easier recovery.
Residues of many drugs - including LSD, phencyclidine, cocaine, marijuana and diazepam - are known to accumulate in the body. These compounds may be retained for extended periods of time, and are especially abundant in long-term, hard core drug users.
Persistent symptoms associated with drug abuse often linger long after abuse has ceased. The consideration that accumulated residues may play a role in the persistence of symptoms led to the development of a program aimed at reducing levels of foreign compounds in the body and thereby assisting in the recovery of the individual.
Detoxification is an important component of recovery. Research shows that individuals who participate in detox are more alert and do better overall on the remainder of their recovery program.
The detoxification program developed by Author & Humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard is aimed at mobilizing and eliminating foreign compounds, especially those stored in the fat. Components include:(a) Exercise, preferably running, to stimulate circulation and enhance the turnover of fats.
(b) Prescribed periods in a low temperature sauna to promote sweating.
(c) An exact regimen of vitamin, mineral, and oil intake. Niacin in gradually increasing doses is used to transiently increase fat mobilization. Oil supplementation both reduces intestines and liver recirculation and promotes the exchange of fat. Vitamin and mineral supplements are included to replace vitamins, minerals and electrolytes lost during increased sweating and to correct any nutritional deficiencies.
(d) Sufficient liquids to offset the loss of body fluids through sweating.
(e) A regular diet including plenty of fresh vegetables.
(f) A properly ordered personal schedule which provides the person with the normally required amount of sleep.
Clients are on this program
up to 5 hours per day, every day, until program completion. Daily aerobic exercise
is followed by frequent periods in a low-heat (60-80 C) sauna. Niacin is administered
immediately prior to the exercise and sauna to assist with the mobilization
and elimination process. The program is pursued individually until a stable
clinical improvement is achieved, generally from 4 to 28 days.
You can get high from second hand marijuana smoke
Most users roll loose marijuana into a cigarette (called a "joint").
THC suppresses the neurons in the information-processing system of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is crucial for learning, memory, and the integration of sensory experiences with emotions and motivation.
Researchers report that marijuana cigarettes release five times as much carbon monoxide into the bloodstream and three times as much tar into the lungs of smokers as tobacco cigarettes.
Effects of smoking marijuana are felt within minutes, reach their peak in 10 to 30 minutes, and may linger for two or three hours.
People who smoke marijuana often develop the same kinds of breathing problems that cigarette smokers have: coughing and wheezing. They tend to have more chest colds than nonusers. They are also at greater risk of getting lung infections like pneumonia.
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